S’more Sweetness

S’more Sweetness! I love cookies… I could eat cookies every day of every week of every month of every year of… you get the idea. I just need s’more sweetness in my life. What about you? Do you need s’more sweetness in your life? WELL! The Christmas Shoppe elves are here to deliver! Looking sweet […]
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Jump to Recipe Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies! Hello, to all my “Celebrate Always” friends! I recently came across the most scrumptious recipe for Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. You are probably not aware, but there are Facebook Groups for just about everything. So, I joined a group called Christmas Decorations Lovers. It just makes me so […]
Mulled Cider Punch

Mulled Cider Punch! Hello, to all my “Celebrate Always” friends! I hope you had the chance to come in and celebrate S’more’s birthday at the end of June. The number one request at the party was for the Mulled Cider Punch recipe. All of the food was delicious, but the punch was a surprise favorite. […]
S'more Easter Blessings

S’more wants to bless your socks off! Hi, all! S’more the elf here! I would just like to take the time to wish you s’more Easter blessings from our family to yours. Mr. & Mrs. C., all the elves, and I hope your entire holiday weekend, eggs-pecially Resurrection Sunday are “hoppy”, joyous, and most of […]
Sadie's Cookies Recipe

Sadie’s Cookies Recipe! Hello, to all my “Celebrate Always” friends! I know I’m not the only one who has had a crazy week. However, I have a wonderful solution. We can bake some cookies together. Sadie’s Cookies Recipe is a yummy chocolate sugar cookie recipe from one of our sweet elves at The Christmas […]
Bewitching Candy Apples

Bewitching Candy Apples Recipe! Hello, to all my “Celebrate Always” friends! I’ve been cooking up a storm this year, and as Halloween approaches, I am getting ready to whip up some bewitching candy apples! Just like the ones you find at the county fairs, these crisp and juicy apples are coated in a crunchy, candy […]
S'more Inspiration
S’more Inspiration Know what??? It’s hard work bringing s’more inspiration to the world all the time. I’m not complaining, of course. Our job at The Christmas Shoppe is fun, but it’s serious work, too. Serious fun, if you will. Will you? Our mission is to help you “celebrate always” (I Thessalonians 5:16). We elves want […]
S'more Cooking
Hello, Fellow Cookie AND/OR Pizza Lovers! I just cannot! I cannot decide! Do I love… cookies… or… pizza more?? AHHHH!!!! Today is BOTH National Chocolate Chip Day &&& National Pizza Day. I was trying to figure out which day I wanted to celebrate first. I should start with my favorite, of course! BUT, which WAS […]
Chocolate Chip Pizza Cookie

Chocolate Chip Pizza Cookie Recipe! Hello, to all my “Celebrate Always” friends! Are you ready to celebrate National Pizza Party Day and National Chocolate Chip Day? Both fall on Friday, May 15th, this year. And, I cannot think of a better way to celebrate than by having a Pizza Party with a Chocolate Chip Pizza […]
Applesauce Pie Recipe

Applesauce Pie Recipe! It’s the recipe you’ve been waiting for…. my definitely not award-winning Applesauce Pie Recipe! In case you have missed this last week’s social media posts, here’s the story: I (Mrs C, herself) entered the Kendall County Fair’s Apple Pie Contest. I was so excited! I pretty much looked like this all weekend […]