The Christmas Shoppe

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S’more Winter

S’more Winter Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Yay!!! It’s Christmas time again!!! Well… at least it feels like Christmas. In fact, it feels a LOT like it did this week last year, which got me to thinking… I never blogged my photos from the Boerne Snovid Snow-pocalypse of 2021!!! So, I pulled out my […]

S’more to Love

S’more to Love: Plans for the new year Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! It’s that time of year where we elves look at how last year went (epic!) and what we can do at The Christmas Shoppe so you find even s’more to love in 2022. As always, we would love your input. Feel […]

S’more Meaningful

S’more Meaningful: Where are you, Christmas? Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Hello, all my friends who don’t feel Christmas-y this year. I hear there are quite a few who are having a blue Christmas. I have a sneaky suspicion as to its cause this year, and I have some tips about finding Christmas again […]

S’more Dickens Celebration

S’more Dickens Celebration! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! WHO HERE LOVES DICKENS ON MAIN??? I DOOOO!!! So, in honor of that spirit (the Spirit of Christmas Present), the City of Boerne in partnership with the Boerne Retailers & Restaurants and Boerne Parks & Recreation and Boerne Market Days and Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce […]

S’more Tradition

S’more Tradition! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Did you enjoy our little break from full on blogging? Hopefully, you are excited to get back in the swing of things with s’more tradition stories. I am! I have a great tradition to share, too. Sure, sure! Halloween is this weekend, and you are probably curious […]

S’more Stories

S’more Stories! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Hopefully, you all got to attend our BIG ribbon cutting this last Friday in celebration of our 25th Anniversary year. A great time was had by all, and many great stories were shared about the store. Watch the ribbon cutting on Facebook for a little of the […]

S’more to Decorate

S’more to Decorate! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! I have a BIG announcement. We have finally got s’more to decorate in the store! Yup, due to delays in shipments, we have been delayed in decorating, BUTT we are finally getting to it! Are you ready for a whirlwind tour of our four new trees?!?! […]

S’more Sweetness

Smore's Sweetness

S’more Sweetness! I love cookies… I could eat cookies every day of every week of every month of every year of… you get the idea. I just need s’more sweetness in my life. What about you? Do you need s’more sweetness in your life? WELL! The Christmas Shoppe elves are here to deliver! Looking sweet […]

S'more or Less Trendy

Hello, Fellow Christmas Lovers! Get excited about the 2021 Christmas trends! I’m a pretty old fashioned elf. In fact, everything Christmas tends to be old fashioned. So, let’s say these looks are only s’more or less trendy. Get it? “S’more or less trendy.” Hyuck, hyuck. You see, most decorations that are well loved end up […]

S'more's Birthday Party

Hello, Fellow Birthday Lovers! It’s S’more’s Birthday Party Time Again! I have been celebrating birthdays for MANY years!!! Compared with other elves, I am fairly young… only 116 years old. But, it was on June 28th, 2017, that a wonderful little girl named Avery came into The Christmas Shoppe and gave me my name. (That’s […]