Easter Basket Gift Ideas

25 Plus Easter Basket Gift Ideas with S’more Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Hello, all my Easter loving friends! Long time, no see. Who’s looking for Easter basket gift ideas for everyone on your gift-giving list? Yay! We have just the thing – for a kid, for a friend, for a coworker, for a […]
S’more Easter Fun!

S’more Easter Fun! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Would you believe that Easter is less than a month away! It’s true! So, it’s time to start planning your Easter activities. Boerne has lots of fun things to do to celebrate the reason for all the seasons we celebrate, including some new activities where The […]
S’more to Stuff!

S’more to Stuff! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! It’s Good Friday, and I know what you’re thinking…. You forgot to make an Easter basket for someone! Don’t worry, we have s’more to stuff in that Easter basket. Don’t be a Basket Case Try not to stress too much, y’all. First of all, think outside […]
S'more Easter Blessings

S’more wants to bless your socks off! Hi, all! S’more the elf here! I would just like to take the time to wish you s’more Easter blessings from our family to yours. Mr. & Mrs. C., all the elves, and I hope your entire holiday weekend, eggs-pecially Resurrection Sunday are “hoppy”, joyous, and most of […]
S'more to Celebrate

S’more to Celebrate! Hi, all! S’more the elf here! Ever noticed how much s’more there is to celebrate in the spring? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas and Halloween and Thanksgiving, BUTT we wouldn’t have the reason to celebrate without Palm Sunday, Passover, Good Friday, and Easter (or Resurrection Sunday as it’s sometimes called). […]
S'more Togetherness During Social Distancing
All kidding aside, I am like the rest of Boerne, the rest of the country, the rest of the world, I suppose. I am feeling really lonely with the Boerne shut down. I can’t physically visit so many of my favorite businesses & hang out spots around town. OF COURSE, I am still shopping […]
S'more Online
Spring brings happiness! & so does online shopping! 🙂 Let’s talk about the first day of spring, International Day of Happiness & our newly revamped online store!!! The First Day of Spring, 2020! 2020 is proving to be a unique year!!! The spring equinox (also called the March equinox or vernal equinox) occurs on Thursday, March 19, […]
S'more Spring Symbolism
Easter & Spring Symbolism With S’more EASTER BUNNY: The tradition of the Easter bunny, or Easter hare, is German in origin (Like Boerne). The Easter bunny is kinda like Santa, rewarding the children that are good with candy and eggs. 🙂 Because of the great fertility of rabbits, and because they breed in the spring, […]
S'more Miracle!
S’more Miracle! Hi there! S’more the Elf here! I have tried to imagine what a disciple would say to us today about the resurrection of Jesus. I wondered if he might have a long speech about the importance of loving one another. Or begin preaching about our sinful nature and why it was necessary […]
S'more Defrosting!
Hello, fellow Christmas lovers! Snow in March!?! No! All this lovely, warm spring weather is making me want to spring clean, and that means…. DEFROSTING THE FREEZER! Yes, we have an old freezer at The Christmas Shoppe. Yes, it does get this frozen over. Yes, it is all better now. I hope you are having […]