Easter Basket Gift Ideas

25 Plus Easter Basket Gift Ideas with S’more Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Hello, all my Easter loving friends! Long time, no see. Who’s looking for Easter basket gift ideas for everyone on your gift-giving list? Yay! We have just the thing – for a kid, for a friend, for a coworker, for a […]
S’more Christmas in July!

S’more Christmas in July! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Yay! It’s Christmas!!! in July, that is. Who’s ready to channel some winter vibes? And, boy do I have some surprises in store to share with you for s’more Christmas in July! If you are reading this, you are probably one of our closest friends […]
Celebrate a Job Well Done, S’more!

Celebrate Summer, S’more! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Whew! We are just past the halfway mark to Christmas. Mrs. C. says, “The elves should celebrate a job well done, S’more!” Yup, between: … We could use a little employee appreciation from the boss man and – uh – woman! What’s new? A big part […]
Celebrate Summer, S’more!

Celebrate Summer, S’more! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! It’s summer!!! And, you know what that means? There’s S’MORE TO CELEBRATE! Here’s some really cool ideas to celebrate with me this summer. My Birthday is this Month! Both Mrs. C. and I are June babies. So, the summer makes us think of birthdays! We like […]
2023 Groovy Day of the Dead Tree

Of course, Memorial Day isn’t the only holiday to remember and honor those who have passed away. Day of the Dead is another way we celebrate our ancestors. So, we created a special tree just for the occasion. This special tree has lots of decorations picked specifically for the holiday, like sugar skulls and roses, […]
S’more to Celebrate!

S’more to Celebrate! I’m sure you heard already. This year The Christmas Shoppe has s’more to celebrate because this is our 25th Anniversary! We have so much planned, and I want to invite you to everything! EVERYTHING! Join us… When? September 24th at 1:30pm Where? At our shop at 132 S. Main St, Boerne Texas […]
S'more's Birthday!
Hello, Fellow Birthday Lovers! I have been celebrating birthdays for MANY years!!! Keep reading to find out how old I am 😉 Tee-Hee! But, it was on June 28th, 2017, that a wonderful little girl at came into The Christmas Shoppe and gave me my name. (That’s how Scout Elves get their Christmas magic to […]
S'more Cleaning
Hello, Fellow CLEAN HOUSE Lovers! Have you recently realized the opportunity for “spring cleaning” has passed you by? Have you been watching Hoarders so you can feel like your house is exceptionally clean? Have you been wishing you had magic sprinkles to make quick work of cleaning your house? This blog if for YOU! This […]
S'more Summer 2020
Hello, Fellow SUMMER Lovers! Why did The Sun go to school? …to get brighter! I have been to Elf School & even honorary classes at Hogwarts but nothing compares to the congrats that students of all ages deserve for succeeding despite the challenges of 2020. (& A BIG APPLAUSE to the parents and teachers!) CONGRATS […]
S'more Cooking
Hello, Fellow Cookie AND/OR Pizza Lovers! I just cannot! I cannot decide! Do I love… cookies… or… pizza more?? AHHHH!!!! Today is BOTH National Chocolate Chip Day &&& National Pizza Day. I was trying to figure out which day I wanted to celebrate first. I should start with my favorite, of course! BUT, which WAS […]