It’s S’more’s Birthday 2024
Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! My birthday is coming up again this next week. I will be 119 years old! Can you believe it!?! (I can’t.)
For the last couple of years, we have used my birthday party to kick off all our Christmas in July happenings. We’ll be telling the WORLD about everything happening for Christmas in July, but you get to enjoy all our Christmas in July specials when you come out for my birthday on Saturday, June 29th.
Here’s what we have planned for S’more’s Birthday 2024!
Birthday Treats!
It wouldn’t be a birthday party without some awesome food. So, we will be serving my yummy…
We might even order some pizza to share. YAYYYY! PIZZA PARTY!
Party Music!
My favorite type of music is Christmas music! So, for S’more’s Birthday 2024, I have asked the other elves if we could start playing Christmas music already.
For Christmas in July, we are going to keep the Christmas music spinning all month long! There might even be confetti, just in case of emergency.

Birthday Gifts!
Everyone knows that part of the fun of having an elf on the shelf around is that they like to hide. I hide every day at The Christmas Shoppe, but for my birthday and our Christmas in July, if you find me, you can get a special gift with any purchase.
It might be hard. Sometimes I wear disguises!

We, also, have a big Christmas in July sidewalk sale! Everything outside must go to make room for all our new inventory. So, you get 50% off!

Seriously… the piles of new inventory arrive daily. That’s why I haven’t been blogging as much.

Looking for fabulous birthday gifts to give? We can think of a few awesome ideas: Search results for birthday – The Christmas Shoppe (thechristmasshoppetx.com)
Phew! That was a lot! We hope you feel inspired to “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16) when you come celebrate my birthday with me.
Merry Christmas,

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