S’more Traditions: For the Birds
Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! It’s been a while since I’ve shared the tradition behind an ornament. So, I have s’more traditions to share with you today. Today, I will be sharing the traditions and legends behind the beloved bird ornaments!
Happiness & Joy!
One of my favorite ways to discover traditions about ornaments is by examining our 12-piece wedding set of ornaments.

This beautiful set is made of twelve different blown glass ornaments that represent something wished in the couple’s married life. Bird ornaments are traditionally given as a gift to wish happiness and joy, at least if the card in the box is right (I think it is).
It’s probably where we get that whole idea of the Bluebird of Happiness.
When I read up about another bird ornament in our store, I discovered that glassblowers had a special reason for creating blown glass bird ornaments.
Glassblowers often kept wild birds during the winter months since the sound of the gas flame in the workshop prompted the birds to sing. Then when spring arrived, the birds returned to freedom.
The Legend of the Cardinal Ornament
It wasn’t but a couple years ago that I learned about the tradition of cardinal ornaments. Of course, everyone loves to decorate their trees with cardinals and red birds. They are so pretty, and red is the most popular color of ornament to put on a tree.
However, a new and very special tradition has started. Many people believe that if they see a cardinal, it is someone that has passed away coming to visit them from Heaven. So, some visitors to The Christmas Shoppe are asking for cardinal ornaments to put on their tree to remember someone who has passed away.

We are absolutely in love with all the birdie ornaments in our store. We are lots, and a wide variety.
Be sure to shop all our bird gifts and decorations here and specifically our cardinals here.
Just a small sampling of our most popular make it to our website. So, be sure to come in to see more items in person.
S’more Updates!
Here’s what’s been happening in store that you may have missed.

Now that it’s Christmas in July, we aren’t holding back!
Come in to check out all the cool stuff this hot July. Items will be added regularly as other items sell down. So, check back frequently.
Other awesomeness includes:
Tiered discounts on items not already discounted….
$25 = 5% off
$50 = 10% off
$75 = 15% off
Free melted snowman or cold cider punch to keep you cool.
New items arriving daily!
Constant Christmas music!
It’s awesome!

But…. It’s practically here!

Meet Liz!
Liz is one of the many smiling, happy elves at The Christmas Shoppe, and since this weekend is her birthday, it’s a great time to show her off and thank her for all the amazing work she does!
Read more when you visit our Meet Our Elves page.

Our online selection of blown glass ornaments is BLOWING UP!
Shipments are arriving daily, and we are adding them online just as fast as we can.
Check them out here if you can’t make it in to shop in person:
Blown Glass Ornments – The Christmas Shoppe (thechristmasshoppetx.com)
Looking for something specific? Don’t hesitate to call! We can take orders to ship over the phone for anything in stock or on order, even if it’s not on our website yet.

Sayyyy !
Comment with your cheesiest joke and we just might share it in our next blog, unless… you’re laughtose intolerant! Dunn dunn DUNNNNN!!!
Emily RO: I have the best cheese joke too.
What did the cheddar say when he tried on a blazer?
“I look sharp!”

Night night! Sleep tight! Don’t let the spandex bite!
That turned creepy in a hurry. Anyway, this is one of our awesome birthday cards that we carry.
Sleep sweet!

I was just talking about this!
What do you think? Should this be the official shirt of The Christmas Shoppe for 2022?

Sneak peek!
Picture a little more green, and you’ll get where we are going with our Celtic Nativity Christmas tree we have in the works. We just received a shipment from the company that inspired this tree. So, hopefully it will be going up soon!

Kid reviews are the BEST reviews!
If your kid has a review of our store, we would love to know about it!
You can post their reviews on all the normal platforms, like Google, Yelp, or Facebook. Just be sure to share the kid’s first name and age.
When elves take over social media… just know that I do not own the rights to this song.
Follow The Christmas Shoppe on YouTube for more fun videos!!! Wheeeeeeee!!!!
It’s a jungle out there!

Meowy Christmas!
Our stuffed animals are super cute and perfect for gift giving year-round!

No one can tell how much I love cookies…
Forget summer bod. I’m going for a Santa bod.

Shop-a-palooza was such a blast! We hope you got the opportunity to stimulate the economy.

We’ve gotten some big shipments in this week! Help us make room!
Plus, as room opens on the sale table, we’ve been adding things. I won’t lie. If you pick up something that I would put on the sale table if there was room, I will flat out tell you and do 50% off.
Help a girl out and come shop this weekend!
We’re not the only business celebrating Christmas in July!
Check out what’s happening over at Handmade on Main.

Today was busy! I just got home!
Time to fill your feed with something fun!

Sooo, we got a new puppy…
A rein-dog if you will. Will you?
And let’s just say she is not shop dog ready yet.

I mean, I love you and all… but there’s someone who’s just bonkers in love with you.

Feeling grinchy? We have just the things!
After all, it’s not easy being green.
Just the other day we had a lady come in whose grandson is terrified of Santa but loves the Grinch.
She even showed me a video of him professing his love for the Grinch!
She bought him one of our toy Grinch stuffies to treat him.

Yeehawwwww! Our Radko ornaments are now available in our online store.
But don’t take my word for it. Go check them out for yourself.
Pride of Texas Santa – The Christmas Shoppe (thechristmasshoppetx.com)

Pinkies up! As always, of course!
Our new teacups are the perfect gift for just about anyone and any occasion, especially… teatime!

Well, the sun is setting now. So you know what that means…
We’ve stepped out of Hell’s Kitchen and onto the porch. Maybe.

We know all the tricks to help you hide your purchases.
I sure hope s’more traditions for the birds inspire you to “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16)!

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