The Christmas Shoppe

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S’more to Decorate!

Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! I have a BIG announcement. We have finally got s’more to decorate in the store! Yup, due to delays in shipments, we have been delayed in decorating, BUTT we are finally getting to it! Are you ready for a whirlwind tour of our four new trees?!?!

Good. Let’s gooooo!!!

The Farmhouse Tree

Howdy, folks! S’more the farmer is here in his farmhouse corner. This tree was put together by none other than our very own Yuliana the elf! We think she did a great job.

She started out with one of our frosted alpine trees because that soft dusting of frost just made the the other ornaments show up better.

As you can see, she used one of our giant star ornaments as the topper. Then, she worked in two layered ribbon below. All she did was lay the more narrow red and white plaid ribbon over our wider denim ribbon. Then, she used branches to clamp the ribbon every so often in place with a little poof in between.

Mrs. C. contemplated making a big bow at the bottom right corner of the tree, but decided that was too froo-froo for this down home tree.

Next, Yuliana added in the big enamel finials. Adding all the big pieces in first helps you spread them out equally. Over those, she stuck in some cotton picks. Yeehaw!

We prefer cotton picks to pickin’ cotton. Apparently, that will tear up your hands.

This is a smaller tree, in order to fit the corner well. So, it doesn’t take much big stuff to create the overall look.

Last, Yuliana added all the small special ornaments. A rooster here. A tractor there. A flying pig here. A fried chicken leg there.

Yup, it’s a pretty fun tree, but follow me! There is s’more to decorate!

The Charlie Brown Tree

Places, everyone! Move over Charlie Brown. S’more the elf is here to direct this tree.

Mrs. C. was inspired by the end scene in A Charlie Brown Christmas Special. This is one of her very favorite Christmas cartoon movies.

Well, we decided to make a tree that had already received some love.

This tree needed a simple look. Big ball ornaments, star on top, big multi-colored lights, popcorn garland, and a blue blanket around the bottom.

We actually ordered a special tree to use because the ones we have on hand seemed too tall and narrow to create the effect.

As for those big balls, our Glory Haus and Magnolia Lane ceramic ball ornaments definitely fit the bill. Like usual, Mrs. C. started with the top star, but skipped the ribbon this time. Then, she added the big balls. (Yup, that’s pretty much the whole tree). Used some really cool popcorn garland. (It looks so real!), and wrapped some blue felt around the bottom.

Liz the elf did a superb job placing all the Charlie Brown Jim Shore and Department 56 and snow globes next to the tree.

How have we NEVER done a tree like this before??? We need all the reminders we can get that “that’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown!”

There’s even s’more to decorate, though! So, let’s get going!

Team Spirit Tree

Speaking of Liz and her fabulous merchandising skills, let’s check out her tree next. Liz the elf did her very first tree at The Christmas Shoppe. She might be a bit of a decorating wunderkind.

Mrs. C. has recently started decorating a tree every year specifically for our sports, hobbies, and collegiate area. Last year, it was a golf tree. This year, she thought, “Hey! Let’s see if we can make a tree for those houses divided.” Specifically, she was wondering if there was any way that you could put burnt orange, purple, maroon, and Raider Red on the same tree without needing to gouge your eyes out.

As a matter of fact, yes. Yes, you can.

The trick is the in the ribbon and (surprisingly) the multicolored lights.

Yes, yes, you already know… Start with topper and ribbon! Blah – blah – blah….

Mrs. C. started teaching Liz the elf how to make bows by demonstrating while creating this bow topper. She says she’s going to do a couple bow making how-to videos, but she hasn’t had time yet. So, one day she will.

The ribbon is black and silver because that matches A LOT of school colors. So, Liz put the one big black and silver bow on top. Then, she started adding those big balls and big flat disc ornaments evenly around this tiny tree. Next, she tied small strips of the ribbon to each branch above the balls to create a unifying color throughout. We think the small, v-cut ribbons remind us of a Cheerleader’s hairbows. 🙂

Oh, and we are serious when we say that the multicolored lights were a surprisingly perfect thing. Liz realized that almost all the school colors were represented in the lights. So, she put the school ornaments strategically close to their matching lights.

Lastly, we got totally stumped on what to do for a tree skirt on such a small tree. So, Liz stacked all the boxed ball ornaments around the base. It turned out really cool.

Woohoo! Go team! Just one s’more tree to share.

The Silver & Rust Texas Tree

Yeeeeeehawwwww! The Team Spirit tree is not the only one to be using silver this year because (in case you didn’t hear) IT’S OUR 25TH ANNIVERSARY!

So, all of our front displays including both windows and the front center table and our front door will have a plethora of silver decorations. This is just the first and lives in our Texas window.

To create this tree, Mrs. C. started at the top with a big rusty star ornament. Then, she made a sneaky peaky half bow to peak around the side of the star. The remainder of the ribbon was looped diagonally around and around the tree.

Guess what!!! We are using the back side of one of our ribbons here. Lots of the good quality ribbons have two sides that work equally well in decorating. This particular ribbon is gold, silver, and white waves on the other side, but the silver side is perfect for this tree.

Next time you want to switch things up a bit, take a look at the back side of your ribbon to see how it will look with your decorations.

Then, we looked for some big balls to put on the tree, but alas, we didn’t really have any. The closest we had were some medium sized silver onion ornaments. They are onion shaped, but they won’t make you cry.

Next, Mrs. C. added all the succulents all over. Most people are going to over look them, but they make the tree look even more organic and western.

Now it was time to add all the fun and unique ornaments all over, like that revolver ornament by Old World or all the cool rust ornaments that are made here in Texas. There are some really cool dreamcatchers mixed in, too.

Obviously, we needed lots of stars because you know…

“The stars at night are big and bright… ” SING WITH ME!

Mrs. C draped some star garland from tip to tip, and when the star picks arrived recently, Yulie stuck them all over.

Guess what!!! We have even s’more to decorate before we are finished. Hopefully we will get a bunch more done this week in time for our BIG 25th Anniversary Ribbon Cutting “Celebrate Always” Celebration. (I Thessalonians 5:16)



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I’m sure you heard already. This year The Christmas Shoppe has s’more to celebrate because this is our 25th Anniversary! We have so much planned, and I want to invite you to everything! EVERYTHING!

Don’t forget to join us…

  • When? September 24th at 1:30pm
  • Where? At our shop at 132 S. Main St, Boerne Texas
  • Why? To celebrate our anniversary with a big ribbon cutting!

We are already planning to celebrate big with:

  • Cake from Smooth Sweets
  • Champagne and Mulled Cider Punch
  • Balloons from Haute Air
  • A big door prize drawing
  • Coupons for all attendees
  • Aaaaand… all the fun stuff that we are doing every day to celebrate.
  • (Maybe even Santa can make an appearance!)

RSVP at our Facebook Event Page!