S’more to Teach
Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Sorry for the delay in posting! Things are crazy right now in the store, but I bet things feel pretty crazy right now for EVERYONE going back to school. That’s why I’ve got s’more to teach about a stress-free school year.
First off…
First off, I know nothing about teaching. Second of all, I ain’t ever been a parent for school age kids. Third, elf education is not nearly as stressful as human education. I mean, we learn about microprocessors, not P.E., whatever that is. So, feel free to take or leave my tips below.

Tips for a stress-free school year:
- Read the Bible and pray – Don’t scoff. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace for a reason.
- Get more sleep – We elves do swell on a solid 40 minutes, but you humans need a lot s’more. Mrs. C. recently learned that the average adult got 10 hours of sleep per night before the invention of the lightbulb. Tricks to getting s’more sleep:
- Turn off anything with lights. Lack of light sure worked before the invention of the light bulb.
- Try a weighted blanket. Mrs. C. recently discovered the glories of a weighted blanket, and now she falls asleep in minutes. It doesn’t work for everyone, though. Mr. C. sleeps horribly with one, and one elf had nightmares that Buddy had fainted on top of her, and she was trying to fight him off.
- Don’t eat or drink sugar or caffeine so late in the day.
- End your day with a gratitude prayer. That’s why my favorite star of the silver screen, Bing Crosby, sang “Count your blessings, instead of sheep.” Seriously, just start listing all the things you are grateful for and see how fast you fall asleep.
- Don’t stress about not getting enough sleep! Scientists have found out that just laying down in the dark is almost as good as being asleep.
- Eat healthy – We elves always try to stick to the four food groups – candy, candy canes, candy corn, and SUGAR. Try making small tweaks to eat healthier. You can still treat yourself, but healthy food equals healthy brain equals lower stress. Healthier food is:
- Grown or raised in a healthy way and close to where you live.
- Made of recognizable ingredients. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, it’s probably not healthy.
- Mostly from plants.
- Full of variety.
- Smaller. So, pay attention to portion sizes.
- Fun. So, eat with family and friends.
- Take a walk – it’s supposed to lower something called blood pressure. There are these things called blue zones, areas where people live over 100 years old without Christmas magic. The main thing the blue zone people have in common is that they walk to get places.
- Do the thing – You know, the thing. Whatever needs doing, do it. I’m talking buying school supplies, homework, chores, paperwork, our job, walk the dog, whatever. We can think about our to do list and procrastinate and distract ourselves with entertainment all day long. Literally. But the weight of that to do list just makes for more stress. So, like Nike, just do it. I recommend starting with the easiest, quickest, or most urgent thing first. Feel proud of what you can accomplish in one day and know that the next things on the list can be done tomorrow.
- Do the RIGHT thing – The weight of knowing that you might be on Santa’s naughty list is stressful. So, save yourself the worry, by choosing the right thing from the get-go, even if it’s hard. Be gentle. Tell the truth. Be generous and giving, not greedy. Only speak (or post) kind words. You know what poisons you lean toward. Avoid them. It may take some practice, but God can help you if you ask him. You will feel better in the long run.
- Phone a friend – Or a therapist. My point is that everyone needs someone to talk to, like a Papa Elf, someone older and wiser who can give good advice.
- Don’t stress about this list! Maybe just pick one thing you want to get better at. If the list makes you more stressed, it’s not worth it.
And, most importantly… LOVE!
Show the LOVE to teachers, students, parents, strangers, and yourself! Some other scientists have discovered that acts of kindness increase feelings of wellbeing in the givers and the getters.
So, show some love. Might I recommend a small gift from our store??? 😀 We have lots of items big and small to put a smile on someone’s face. Here’s a preview of some of our favorite gifts for teachers:

Or…. do what we’re doing! Bake and give cookies. We’ve been giving out cookies on the weekend just to make everyone smile. Last weekend, Mrs. C. whipped up a batch of Buttery Coconut Cookie Bars. They were a hit, but they are very sweet. So, we cut them pretty small.

This weekend is tax free weekend, and while we don’t have a lot of items that qualify as tax free, we do have cookieeeeez. To save time (and stress) this weekend, we just bought some from HEB. ;-*
S’more Updates!
Here’s what’s been happening in store that you may have missed.

Our new Mermazing Tree is up and … well… Mermazing!
We’ve done a mermaid themed tree before, but not like this. We covered the tree in all things iridescent to capture the magic of a mermaid lagoon.
Notice how we wired the ball ornaments in bunches of three to make you think of bubbles. The tinsel turquoise wired lights makes me think of splashing waves. Lastly, the cream ribbon grounds the tree by replicating a sandy beach.
Come check it out! You’re sure to find something to celebrate your summer vacation.

Mrs C wants you to know how much she LOVES this!
Reposted from: Lauren Watson at Under the Fig Tree
I am coming to y’all with another prayer request for all small, local businesses. Last time I asked y’all to pray for us heading into the weekend, I felt God’s presence even more and had a great weekend. Please pray that we all have an amazing and successful weekend and Back to School season (yes, back to school season has started)! Everyone along The Hill Country Mile and all local businesses are in my prayers. May God provide you with what you need to be successful and be able to provide for your own families!
I want to start off the weekend right! So not only am I asking for prayers, I am having a storewide sale starting tomorrow! Stay tuned for the details!
Thank you for your support and prayers! Have a fabulous weekend!

Yayyyy! My second favorite place to shop!
Reposted from: Boerne Handmade Market
Mark you calendars! BHM’s 10 year anniversary is coming up! November 18 & 19! Who’s coming?!

Parable of the footprints

I thank him for loving me anyway, even when I have to be dragged along.

In case no one told you… you absolutely got this.
You definitely got this (with God who gives you strength). Just keep going. Keep pushing. Keep praying. One step at a time.
Unless you want to do something wrong or evil. Trust me. That never turns out well unless you turn back.

Who’s team fall?
It will be here sooner than you think! We’re fleshing out our fall corner. So, come see us to check it out.

Got this from @thepourovernews this week.
Here’s to trying things this weekend.

Happy Summer, teachers!
School will be back in session soon. You know a teacher that deserves these socks.

When you support a local business, it’s a chain reaction.
Perhaps you go to a gift shop to pick up a card and a unique present. Next door is a restaurant. You stop in for lunch. While you’re at both places, you snap a few pictures and put them on Instagram. In the matter of an hour or two, you’ve spent your hard earned money at two local businesses AND you promoted them through your Instagram post!
YOU created a chain reaction. What a beautiful thing if we all did that!
Support a local business this weekend! You can find a full list of Chamber Member local businesses by going to www.boerne.org!

Stay hydrated, my friends!

We love you, Mom!
Shop all our awesome gifts for moms when you visit us in store. Besides this beautiful, soft, hug-tastic blanket and sweet mug, we also carry Willow Tree figures and jewelry and kitchen items that Mom will love.
See you soon!

Yoo-hoo!!! You-Who!!! Whoville has a new addition!
All the Grinch lovers immediately grab up Mt Crumpet and Cindy Lou Who’s House. We’re trying out Flue Who’s Fireplace Place to see what you think.
Grinch Village – The Christmas Shoppe – The Christmas Shoppe (thechristmasshoppetx.com)

Sleep sweet, my dears! I pray you have a blessed week.
~ Mrs. C.

“We’re all a little mad here!”
Stop on by to check out our crazy new arrivals.

Don’t mind all the elves sweating over here.

It’s Elf-tastic!
We even brought our fruitcake of a rein-dog, Nutmeg!

That would be horrific!
Be safe my friends, for everyone’s sake.
S’more Elf has a secret to share… the secret behind elf on the shelf magic!
Your elf on the shelf has a top secret skill to help him get his job done (and help him reach the candy canes).

Happy Sunday, Boerne!
It’s been another great day to shop small, shop local, and shop Boerne!
Did you know??? We specifically look for items like this ornament that are:
Made in the USA
Made in Texas
Great prices!
Come check out all our great items from Recherche. This company is owned and run by a couple on a ranch near Fort Worth. You’ll love all our rusted metal items.

Boerne made the list!
Texas Travel Awards thinks Boerne has the best shopping district, and the elves are firmly in agreement.
See where else is worth the day trip. Boerne got another award, too!

Nostalgia is our middle name.
Well, actually it’s Christmas. You know The *Christmas* Shoppe. More personally and quite actually it’s Elizabeth.
Anywho! If you are looking for a nostalgic Christmas, you’ve come to the right place.
Pictured is our Snow Village shelf by Department 56. Shop the whole collection on our website.

In my defense, it’s been the Mondayest of Mondays.

We’ve been planning Cookie Crawl for this holiday season, and it’s got me ….
Cookie Crawl is one of the many super fun new holiday events planned by the @boernerroa for @dickenscelebrationboerne !
Stay tuned for more details!

When we turn off the lights at the end of the day, the magic shows more!
Check out our Cola Fizz tree from 2020! It was inspired by the Coca-Cola Santa. The addition of silver and iridescent ornaments gives it that soda fizziness.

We elves like back to school season, too….
It means Christmas is coming!!!
For more tips on going back to school, visit our blog from last year:
S’more School Prep – The Christmas Shoppe (thechristmasshoppetx.com)
Most importantly, we hope you “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16) this school year!

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