S’more Halloween History
Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Hello, all my Halloween loving friends! You may not know this, but as soon as school starts, the elves start to think of Halloween. We just put our new Halloween Christmas tree scene in our front window. It’s got a very vintage look, which made me think about s’more Halloween history and how the holiday has changed over the years.
In the beginning…
In the beginning, Halloween was called Samhain and then All Hallow’s Eve (the evening before All Saints Day) and it was a lot like Day of the Dead, a day to remember those who had passed away. As people spent time remembering, they believed that the dead came close and could even cross over to the world of the living for this one night of the year.
When it was Samhain, people celebrated by lighting bonfires and praying. They dressed as animals and spirits so that the spirits who crossed over wouldn’t kidnap them! Phew! Good thing we only need to worry about Chucky dolls.
For All Hallow’s Eve, children would visit homes and get pastries called soul cakes (or other food or money or ale) in exchange for praying for that family’s dead family members. Makes sense to me!
Click HERE to read more from history.com.
It’s no trick, just treats!
Our new Halloween themed Christmas tree in our window is a total treat!

The Mark Roberts witches are decorating the tree to the delight of our Halloween Gnomes (big and small) who are anxiously awaiting the arrival of “Sandy Claws”. They even left out cookies.

We hope it puts a smile on your face as you come in to visit!
Very Vintage Spookiness!
I’ve known about the origins of Halloween for a long time, but I was looking at our silver tinsel tree decorated to remind us of a 60’s Halloween and got curious about what Halloween was like in the 70’s and before.

So, I started asking around (yesterday). Here’s what I discovered!
A sweet lady on Facebook said: Miss those days! We went in and out every house on our street for homemade goodies and games with neighbors. No one was in a hurry, and no one worried about any potential problems. This was in Beaumont in the 50’s.
I asked a bunch of the C. family, but they had difficulty remembering that far back. Mrs. C’s mom lived out in the country. So, they didn’t usually celebrate Halloween because they couldn’t trick or treat. However, there were a few times when her school put on a fair. She said that because her parents had lived through the Great Depression, they didn’t buy costumes. She always made her own costume from whatever she could find.
Store bought masks and patterns for costumes were out there, but most people couldn’t afford them. Plus, they were creepy, and Santa shouldn’t be that sassy…

Halloween History in Boerne
For s’more Halloween history in Boerne, I searched through old Facebook posts.

The big thing that everyone talks about is a PTA Fall Halloween Carnival at the school in the 70’s. The kids made posters to advertise the event, and there was a contest for whose poster was best. So many said that the poster contest was their favorite part! Each classroom did something different, but a lot of people remember that one classroom was a haunted house with dry ice fog!
A lot of people said that they loved the cake walk (I think it’s like musical chairs, but the winner wins a cake), the fishing booth (a string with a clothespin was dropped behind a curtain and teachers and parents clipped small prizes to the string to be pulled up by the kids), and spin painting. There was, also, a doll walk, like the cake walk but you won a beautiful doll dressed by locals in handsewn or crocheted clothes.
Some years there was a haunted house at the old fire station/city pool. You’ll find the spot right next Ye Kendall Inn.
In the 1940’s someone put a wagon on top of the schoolhouse as a prank!
A lot of the teens would egg and TP cars and houses back in the 70’s. One year a bunch of kids were caught and had to each crack an egg on their own head as punishment. Sounds almost as bad as coal in the stocking.
All in all, it was a lot of fun for everyone, except maybe those getting egged and TP-ed…. And, that’s how Halloween should be, a fun day or night for everyone!
How to celebrate s’more like we used to…
Let’s do what we each can to bring back some of these simple, fun times. Try offering bobbing for apples at your house for the trick-or-treaters. Maybe offer something homemade instead of candy. See if you can bring back one of the traditions that everyone loved in the past.
Most importantly, take your time. It might be hard if you have a lot of trick-or-treaters, but if you can stretch out that moment, you might create a cherished memory.
The retailers and restaurants along Main Street are doing their part. Keep watching for our Halloween celebrations on social media. We might just find a way to do a poster contest.
And, in the meantime, check out some of our awesome Halloween decorations and gifts:

S’more Updates!
Here’s what’s been happening in store that you may have missed.

New nutcrackers just marched through our doors.
Sadie the elf says she loves this one’s blingy pants.

Ugh. August. You’re like the dry end slice of a loaf of bread.
If we get any more 100° days, I may just run down to the fountain at the Main Plaza Park and jump in!
Butttt…. Santa’s coming!

Can I get an amen?

You ask, and we deliver!
Time to try out a new style for our Boerne T-shirts. These simple Boerne shirts are designed by the sweetest man. Chester came in a month or two ago with the idea of ordering custom shirts that specifically mention the Hill Country.
We are just trying them out for a month. If they aren’t selling, we may send them back. So, if you love them, get in quick to buy one… or MORE!

We’re open and ready to help you find just the right gift!
Monday through Saturday: 10a-6p
Sundays: noon-6p

Look what just arrived!
Your very favorite floral items from Mark Roberts! In fact, most of our Mark Roberts items are now in stock.

On your marks! Get set! SLOTH!
Unless it’s your first day back at school. Then, work hard! Go get ‘em, little guys.

Here’s to another awesome day back at school! You are awesome!

Hello from the Halloween table!
Our Halloween Mark Roberts items are in stock and ready to put a spell on you.
By the way, you should get in quick for our Day of the Dead skeletons. They may look dead, but they fly out the doors in a flash.

It’s time to snag your tickets, before they’re gone!Or, if you’d like to learn more first… watch for all of the upcoming posts.
I’ll be sharing info about our mission, the cause we care so much about, our sponsors, our influencers, and our participating Boerne retailers!.

{Pictured today, a handful of last year’s runway images. Boerne Radio 103.9FM , who we can’t wait to work more with. The Bevy Hotel Boerne, a DoubleTree by Hilton , our beautiful venue. And Pur IsoLabs Berghiem Store , our Haute Couture title sponsor.}

Not today, Satan! The high is 5° shy of h-e-double-hockey-sticks!
If you were doing a documentary of your elf on the shelf, what might you discover?
The more you know!
The second best way to learn about your elf on the shelf is through documentaries.
The first best way is through experience at The Christmas Shoppe!

Our Little Critterz are fully stocked and awesome!
Thank you, Stephanie Mills, for sharing this picture of your sweet pooch with our mini ceramic dalmatian.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

Hope your Monday is sweet!
Love our donut ornaments? They are back in stock by popular demand.
Best part is that they are kid safe. So, your child can help decorate, unless they are hungry…. One embarrassed mom didn’t realize her child had swiped one and started biting into it until she was back to her car. Being the good mom she is, she brought the toddler back to show that it needs to be paid for before destroying it.
Look what’s new!
We are almost fully stocked on all our lovely “shimmers.” That’s what we call our LED-lit, fan-motored, glitter snow globes.
Most of them now come with the choice of battery operation or usb cord, but if they only take batteries, we now have a usb cord sold separately!

Yay! We’ve started receiving our holiday apparel!
This year it’s fun for the whole family – dad, mom, kids, and Fido can all wear matching Christmas clothes.
Come check it out! We are guessing about quantities since these are a first. So, we might run out at times this year.
Pajama bottoms are still on back order for most sizes, though. Boo.

How will you show some Christmas spirit today?

Need a 30 ounce pick me up? The elves know just the thing.
This is My Story 30oz Tumbler – The Christmas Shoppe (thechristmasshoppetx.com)

Who wants cookies for dinner tonight???

Don’t forget to “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16) this Halloween season!

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