The Christmas Shoppe

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S'more Days of Christmas

Hello fellow Christmas lovers! If you thought since Christmas was over, I would fly back to The North Pole to stay then, you’re a silly goose! ♫♪♫ six geese a-laying, fiiiive golden riiiings… ♪♫♪ I have the very special honor of being the Scout Elf for The Christmas Shoppe, “Where it’s Christmas Everyday!” Plus, I have […]

S'more & St. Nick

 Hello fellow Christmas lovers!  This blog is inspired by the scavenger hunt held at The Christmas Shoppe last week. Congratulations again to our winners and a big thank you to everyone who paticipated! It’s official! Christmas crunch week is here! If you’re an Elf, that means extra studying to pass our test of Christmas Spirit. That’s […]

S'more SNOW

Hello fellow Christmas lovers! As a part time resident of the North Pole, I LOVE SNOW! The Christmas Shoppe will be using a little Christmas magic and it will be snowing here in Boerne! If you ever had the chance to experience Boerne’s Annual Dickens on Main weekend you may be familiar with the random […]

Give S'more Thanks

Hello Fellow Christmas Lovers! Celebrate! Give Thanks! But WHY do we celebrate Thanksgiving? We all know the basics, right? Pilgrim guys and gals and Native Americans joined together to be thankful for a great harvest. They had turkey and all the trimmings. The end. Kind of, that first time, in 1621, they didn’t call it […]

The Flight Tree

The Flight Tree!
Just 42 days until Christmas!!! Do you think we can get all our trees done on time? The Flight Tree has taken wing. So, let’s take a look at this flight of fancy.
Golds and coppers and rose golds are taking center stage on this fantastical upside down tree. Yes, it is upside down. No, it is not a new thing. Trees have been upside down for winter holidays since the birth of Christmas because it just looks so amazing this way. A live tree might last longer upside down, if you could figure out the logistics, but our artificial tree is designed to stand on its tip!
Every year we wow our shoppers with this tree. This year, we used soft colors and florals to created a look that matches any season. The feathers, birds, bees, and stars capture the essence of flight as they hang magically from the tips of the tree branches.
This modern and unusual look will not be found in your average home. So, those who are looking for a fresh and different look might want to consider replicating it at home. However, golds match so many looks that shoppers with traditional tastes should peruse this tree for individual elements that can add a touch of whimsy to simple red and gold look.

S'more Girlfriends

Hello fellow Christmas lovers! Tonight is Diva Night on The Hill Country Mile. Us Elves are known to have a good time! So, I’m donning my pink feather boa and a festive beverage – I’m ready to stay out late tonight! The only thing missing is the company of all my friends! So grab your […]

The Flamingo Tree ~ …

The Flamingo Tree ~
Happy Sunday, you beautiful people! Remember, ladies, thigh gaps are for flamingos. Be a mermaid and eat the cupcake. 💗
Then, be flamingo pink fabulous when you decorate for the holidays! This tree marries the colors of a beach at sunset with feathers, cocktails, and flirty sea life. We wrapped this tree in fun, pink, feather boas. Then, we bedecked it with our favorite beachy ornaments. It’s that simple!
The entire look is inspired by a single ornament, a glittery, blown glass concoction of a flamingo with an outrageous flooffy feather tail! However, the ornaments that truly make this a knockout of a tree are the disk shaped ones with pink poinsettias, gold mermaid silhouettes, and shell filled Christmas sentiments. Don’t overlook the gold glittered star fish, pink-tailed mermaids, fancy glass fishes, and tiny glass cocktails that add that extra touch of fun.
Visit us again next Sunday! We still have three more trees to unveil.
View all our themed trees by visiting
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S'more Countdown

Hello fellow Christmas lovers! With November already upon us, December is fast approaching. The scents and sounds of the holidays fill the air! The official Christmas countdown is: [powr-holiday-countdown id=91d841f2_1509822406] Because I am good friends with Santa, I could not resist this funny pop culture reference. But today I would like to share with you […]

S'more Popcorn Ball Cannonballs!

S’more Popcorn Ball Cannonballs!   Hello, fellow Christmas lovers! And, a big hello to fellow Halloween lovers! Have we got an awesome recipe for you! We, also, have a ghoulish deal for our friends. So, read all the way through to the bottom of the screen! Yes! I rode home in Mrs. C’s bag last […]