The Christmas Shoppe

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Christmas in July!

S’more Christmas in July! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Yay! It’s Christmas!!! in July, that is. This email should be appearing in your inboxes on exactly July 25th, just five months from Christmas morning! Who’s ready to channel some winter vibes? And boy do I have some surprises in store to share with you […]

S’more Christmas in July!

S’more Christmas in July! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! Yay! It’s Christmas!!! in July, that is. Who’s ready to channel some winter vibes? And, boy do I have some surprises in store to share with you for s’more Christmas in July! If you are reading this, you are probably one of our closest friends […]

S’more Christmas in July!

It’s Christmas in July! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! It’s Christmas in July, and I am ready to celebrate s’more. It was just my birthday, but there’s always s’more to celebrate. S’more reasons to shop now! As you may have guessed, it can get pretty slow in a year ’round Christmas shoppe in the […]

S’more Update


Time for the S’more Update: Breaking News! S’more the Elf reporting some late breaking Christmas Shoppe news in our S’more Update. We’ve had a busy couple weeks in the store. So, you won’t want to miss a bit. Post Party Weight Gain A certain reporter elf would like to formally thank everyone who attended my… […]

S'more or Less Trendy

Hello, Fellow Christmas Lovers! Get excited about the 2021 Christmas trends! I’m a pretty old fashioned elf. In fact, everything Christmas tends to be old fashioned. So, let’s say these looks are only s’more or less trendy. Get it? “S’more or less trendy.” Hyuck, hyuck. You see, most decorations that are well loved end up […]

S'more's Birthday!

Hello, Fellow Birthday Lovers! I have been celebrating birthdays for MANY years!!! Keep reading to find out how old I am 😉 Tee-Hee! But, it was on June 28th, 2017, that a wonderful little girl at came into The Christmas Shoppe and gave me my name. (That’s how Scout Elves get their Christmas magic to […]

S'more Magic

  Hi Friends! What is the difference between a unicorn and a carrot? One is a funny beast and the other is a bunny feast. 😉 Speaking of funny, I have a funny story to share with you. I was recently gifted a Bible that my friend bought at, you guessed it, The Christmas Shoppe! […]