The Posh Penguin Tree

The Posh Penguin Tree!
It’s Sunday, and you know what that means… a new featured tree just for you! The Posh Penguin Tree is now up and decorated in plenty of time for our Fall Diva Night on November 9th.
This glitzy tree is inspired by a tree we saw in the Select Artificials, Inc. showroom at Dallas Market. It’s a show stopping combination of diva red velvet, charcoal black, snowy white florals, and icy silver rhinestones.
The key to taking this tree over the top is that we started with a silver tinsel tree. Anyone interested in replicating this style or creating a bright and different look should seriously consider investing in a tinsel tree. They are a bit more expensive than traditional pine trees but worth every penny. Unlike tinsel trees from the 60’s, these come prelit and look much fuller. Right now, we have them in stock along with several varieties of traditional trees.
Baby, it’s cold outside! So, we wrapped our tree with red velvet ribbon and poinsettias that have just a touch of glitzy silver glitter on their edging. Next, we added flocked and iridescent florals to give that polar feel. The ball ornaments are red velvet, snowy white, and red glass.
To make it Posh, we sprinkled the whole tree in items a diva desires: big, shiny packages, jeweled icicles and snowflakes, and red nail polish and lipstick ornaments.
At the North Pole, they sure know how to have a good time! A liberal dose of penguins and other polar inhabitants are frolicking, partying, and dancing all over this tree.
Our plush penguin migration has landed here, too! So, everyone can have their own little penguin to love and play with for Christmas.
Like what you see? Call or drop by to make a purchase and get the look for yourself.
Wanna watch us in action? Our how to video is coming soon!
View all our other themed trees by visiting
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Hello, fellow Christmas lovers! S’more the [Mischievous] Elf here. One of my favorite things about living at the North Pole is all the snow! No two snowflakes are alike! It is a beautiful truth, that we as people, share with snowflakes. Everyone is beautiful and unique! Every second of everyday is also beautiful and unique. […]
The Sweetheart Tree
The Sweetheart Tree!
Another beautiful day to share another beautiful tree. Last week’s tree, the Starry Night Tree posted a little late on Monday morning. So, if you haven’t seen it, be sure to look back through our posts for that beautifully inspiring tree. In the meantime, enjoy the details of the sweetest themed look of 2017, our Sweetheart Tree!
Romantics will love each detail! We festooned the tree with rich reds and cream pearl whites. Berries and poinsettias add floral notes. Cuddling cardinals perch on its branches and court on various style ornaments. Lastly, we sprinkled hearts throughout the tree like confetti!
Searching for a gift for your love, your bride, or a couple’s gift? This is the nook to find the perfect gift! Many of these items will remain in stock through Valentine’s Day. The Christmas Shoppe is the perfect place for gifts and decor for any holiday!
Check out all our other themed trees by visiting
Did you know we blog? The latest is available here:
S'more's Key to Happiness
Hello fellow Christmas lovers! Here’s a riddle for you: What never decreases by being shared? Happiness! My life as an Elf has taught me many things. Flying to and from the North Pole every night, the most important thing I’ve seen as one of Santa’s Elves is happiness. Also as a helper Elf at The […]
The Starry Night Tree
The Starry Night Tree!
The Christmas Shoppe is proud to present its latest themed tree: The Starry Night Tree!
This beautiful tree will take your breath away. It’s designed to represent the starry night sky over Bethlehem at Jesus’ birth.
We used royal blue and striking white with sprinkles of silver. Notice our topper. We have several toppers in stock every year. So, we picked silver stars and a pearl and silver cross to group at the top, backed by bows of royal blue.
The bright whites come from a beautiful ribbon, soft and clean poinsettias, and angel wing ornaments. Glass ornaments filled with silver glitter proclaim the reason for the season: “Silent Night, Star Above, Blessed Gift of Hope &I Love.” Large wooden ornaments look dipped in blue water color and pronounce, “For unto us a Child is born!”
Lastly, we scattered the tree with pretty birds, acrylic stars, and glass icicles. We have hand chosen beautiful nativities to compliment such a look. These nativities are simple, elegant, and bright.
Come by soon to check it out and find treasures to make your own beautiful tree.
Check out all our other themed trees by visiting
Did you know we blog? The latest is available here:
S'more Kisses!

S’more Kisses! Hello, fellow Christmas lovers! Fall weather makes me crave sugar! So, today I am sharing my very special Elf Kiss Cookie recipe. If you like Peanut Butter Cookies and Peanut Blossom Cookies, you will love these sweet little bites. Be sure to read after the recipe to get our toddler friendly version of […]
S'more and Spatzl
Guten tag, fellow Christmas lovers! As an elf I was born to help you celebrate Christmas! At The Christmas Shoppe, we love celebrating! We celebrate all the holidays because spreading joy and cheer all year is our passion. What is your favorite occasion to celebrate? Maybe it’s Christmas like me! Maybe your favorite thing to […]
Happy First Day of Fall
Happy First Day of Fall!
Check out our blog to see how S’more the Elf is getting ready for fall season!
S'more Fall, Y'all!
S’more Fall, Y’all! Happy Fall, All Y’all Christmas Lovers!!! Guess what!?! …….. NOPE! Today is the first day of fall! The season has begun! Just 93 days until Christmas! Woohoo! So, what are you doing to get ready? I am picking out a Halloween costume today. This Frankenstein tie is pretty awesome. One size fits […]
The Cartoon Tree
The Cartoon Tree!
Time for another Sunday Special Unveiling!!! Let me introduce you to our very awesome Cartoon Tree!
This tree is one big YIPPEE screaming your kid’s name… or your grandkid’s… or your husband’s. 😳 Actually, it might be calling YOUR NAME!!! 😃
Ok! So, this tree is an explosion of your favorite cartoons and fun colors! We have Emojis, Minions, My Little Pony, Spongebob Squarepants, Sesame Street, Shopkins, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Hello Kitty!
It may not be totally obvious in the pictures, but this look is all done on a table top wall tree. If you’ve never seen one, it’s basically half of a tree that can be hung on your wall. We have a few available for purchase, but they do not come with lights. We added those.
For a tree topper, we used one of our fun emoji pillows and a few sequin sprays in blue and green. Honestly, the best part of this tree to replicate at home is the fabulous rainbow glitter ribbon! Zoom in on a few pictures to see it. The ribbon’s color is perfect to match with all our fun cartoons. It would look good on a girly tree, too. How many of you know a young princess who wants or has their own Christmas tree?
Naturally, we have several gifts in store to match the tree. So, drop on by to find the perfect gift or ornaments for your funny little cartoon lover.
Check out all our other themed trees by visiting
Did you know we blog? The latest is available here: