S’more Christmas in July!

It’s Christmas in July! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! It’s Christmas in July, and I am ready to celebrate s’more. It was just my birthday, but there’s always s’more to celebrate. S’more reasons to shop now! As you may have guessed, it can get pretty slow in a year ’round Christmas shoppe in the […]
S’more Dickens Celebration

S’more Dickens Celebration! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! WHO HERE LOVES DICKENS ON MAIN??? I DOOOO!!! So, in honor of that spirit (the Spirit of Christmas Present), the City of Boerne in partnership with the Boerne Retailers & Restaurants and Boerne Parks & Recreation and Boerne Market Days and Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce […]
S'more Around Town

S’more Around Town! Hi, all! S’more the elf here! As much as I loved staying home enjoying the snow, I am super excited that the snow has melted, the sun is shining, and I can go out and enjoy the world. Yup, I am a man about town or (ahem) a S’more around town. First […]
S'more Inspiration
S’more Inspiration Know what??? It’s hard work bringing s’more inspiration to the world all the time. I’m not complaining, of course. Our job at The Christmas Shoppe is fun, but it’s serious work, too. Serious fun, if you will. Will you? Our mission is to help you “celebrate always” (I Thessalonians 5:16). We elves want […]
I MOUSTACHE you a question
I MOUSTACHE you a question!
What is your favorite memory with Dad?
Check out S’more The Elf’s newest blog featuring 10 things to do with Dad for Father’s Day. Let’s create more memories together!
Duke Cannon Supply Co.
Old World Christmas
Alamo Karts
Cascade Caverns
AMC Starplex Boerne 11
Boerne City Lake
Cibolo Nature Center & Farm
Berges Fest
Hill Country Mile
#smore #elfontheshelf #fathersday #giftsfordad #thingstodoinboernetx #thechristmasshoppe #saleitems #favoritememorywithdad #moustacheormustache #doyoulikemygoatee #happyfathersday2018