S’more Very Merry
Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! All of the elves at The Christmas Shoppe wish you s’more very merry of a Christmas this year.
We truly appreciate you, your friendship, and your patronage this year. Occasionally we hear rumors of businesses that are struggling or closing or possible economic DOOM in the future, but thanks to loyal shoppers like you, we have only continued to grow.
This past year, we hired s’more very merry elves than ever before! We created a space for a second register in the store which we used three times! (Kinda wished we used it s’more) We actually had a line of people waiting to enter our shoppeee during holiday events! Earlier this year, we noticed that our “everyday” items (like mugs and toys and pajama pants and stuffed animals and socks) were outselling our “Christmas” items! These are all signs that our business is growing.
And, you are a big part of that. You shop with us and bring your friends and family to shop with us because you know our store is a happy place full of good things that make good gifts for Christmas or any holiday or celebration. So, thank you!
What’s in store next?
Time for our annual AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE!
This year, we are putting more items on 40% off than ever before! (Yup, we are a little over stocked on some items that were a little pricey this year) However, new Valentine’s items are already arriving. So, not everything is discounted, and some items are 25% off.
Our computer system makes discounts in our online store kinda difficult. So! If you order something online, everything Christmas or Halloween or Thanksgiving will be 25% off with a discount code. Almost all of these items are only 25% off in our store, too, but some will have a better discount for you to shop in person. If we figure out a better way to do it, we will.

S’more Very Merry in the New Year
We are anticipating an even s’more very merry year in 2023.
Because we heard that The Christmas Store in Fredericksburg is closing, we will be almost the only year ’round Christmas store in the Texas Hill Country. So, we have planned to expand our selection of Department 56 Village, Jim Shore figures, and Christopher Radko ornaments.
We had several requests for holiday dining ware this year. So, we are beginning to envision a retro kitchen corner to display kitchen decor for every holiday and every day.
Those cute socks were such a hit! We are excited to add to the selection soon.
Mrs. C. tried her hand at coordinating two Christmas event weekends, Toast to Olde Town and Kinder Fest. She says she learned a lot! So, she’s excited to help the Boerne Retailers & Restaurants with it again and is coordinating a new event in the works for Easter time. Be on the lookout for news about the Boerne Bunny Hop!
Our Willow Tree selection is growing so much, that it doesn’t fit on its shelf! So, next year, we are moving it to a new location in the store where it can spread out a bit.
Who knows what else the new year has in store?!? Mrs. C. heads off to Market to plan all the themed trees and ordering our inventory on January 2nd! If you have any special requests, be sure to send us an email at christmas.elves@gvtc.com.
I plan on taking a little vacation for the month of January. So, be on the lookout for my next blog in February. Our posting on social media may be a little thin, but we are here! Ready to ring in the new year with YOU!
S’more Updates!
Here’s what’s been happening on social media that you may have missed.

This cheery little snowman makes me smile!
So, when it comes to decorations, we have noticed most people pick Santa. What about you?
Team Snowman?
Team Elf?
Team Reindeer?

Send a hug this Christmas!
We have soft, sweet blankets and bears that are special gifts for all ages.
Especially Christmas time!
I pray God’s blessings of comfort, good food, warmth, friendship, understanding, and all the blessings of home this Christmas time and all times.

We’re not just Christmas, you know.
We are anything that makes a good Christmas gift. Including this set of bowls for serving queso and guac.

Lessons from a Christmas tree!

I just imagine the elves of North Pole Village screaming, “GODZILLA!!!”

Valentine’s gifts are starting to arrive!
‘Tis the season for singing your favorite Christmas carols!
This is S’more Elf’s favorite. What’s your favorite Christmas carol, hymn, or song?
Follow us on YouTube to see all of our fun videos!
I know what I’m doing this weekend… Gangsta wrapping!

I won’t deny it.
Actually, though… it’s crunch time. If you need help with your wrapping, come on in! Our elves are happy to assist.
Gnome for the Holidays!

Meet Baboushka!
The last of our Byer’s Choice Carolers is my favorite! I mean, look at those chins!!!

Happy Hanukkah!
Doing my Christmas dinner planning finally!
Dad is bringing ham.
Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jerilynn are bringing scalloped potatoes and Rice Krispie treats.
My brother and his family are bringing deviled eggs and veggie tray and maybe a vegetarian roast.
Mr. C. is making stuffed celery.
I have rolls and thinking a Chocolate Zucchini Cake.
What else? Acorn Squash? Green beans?

Fröhe Weihnachten!
That means Merry Christmas in German. Which reminds me: A local made the suggestion that we sell custom Weihnachts Mugs every year like they do in Germany.
What do you think?
Mrs. C. does her shopping on Mondays. I know what’s on her list!

We love Santa, but like us, he is just pointing to the biggest gift… Jesus! Prince of Peace! God with us!
I’m not drinking alone! My dog is with me.

Time for the annual, virtual Christmas pageant!
Christmas According to Kids – Southland Christian Church.

Reminds me of one we just sold out of…
Dog Nativity – The Christmas Shoppe – The Christmas Shoppe (thechristmasshoppetx.com)
Thank you for supporting us this year. You are one of the reasons we “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16) where it’s Christmas every day.
Love from,

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