Your Holiday Guide by S’more
Happy Thanksgiving Eve, all my Christmas loving friends! We elves have been super busy preparing for the most wonderful time of the year. Being the Christmas hub of Boerne, Texas, we have all the details for everything you need to know for the Christmas season. And it starts this Friday!
Holiday Shopping Guide
With such a short advent season, there are a few must haves that always need to be purchased in November or the beginning of December, and we don’t want you to forget. So, if you haven’t bought it already, here is your shopping guide.
Be sure to stop by soon before these items are sold out or it becomes too late in the year to give and enjoy them.
- Advent Calendars: whether chocolate, paper, or one you can reuse year after year, now is the time to buy them. After all, this Sunday is your first day to open up a chocolate! We, also, carry advent candles and wreaths.
- Decorating essentials: replacement light bulbs, poinsettias in your favorite color, simple ball ornaments, ribbon, ornament hooks… we carry them all, and you might want to get them before you start to put out your Christmas decorations.
- Groovy Glasses: these fun glasses make each point of light refract to look like stars, Santa faces, snowmen, snowflakes, and angels. They are a must have while driving around looking at Christmas lights or while watching our lit Christmas parade next Saturday.
- Elf on the Shelf: hey! That’s me! All my buddies are hanging out with all their fun clothes and accessories just waiting to be adopted.
- The Smell of Christmas: time to pull out the potpourri and candles to make your home smell like the holidays! We are stocked up with our signature scent, but it won’t last long.
- Dated Christmas ornaments: we always sell out of dated ornaments before Christmas, but we never know which will be the most popular. So, come get yours before they sell out.
Holiday Events Guide
Starting this Friday, we have the most amazing Christmas events. Here’s what I know from my years of experience at The Christmas Shoppe.
First off: There are FOUR weekends of awesomeness, and all the info can be found as HolidaysInBoerne.com.

Dickens on Main is Thanksgiving Weekend!
The most popular Christmas event of the year, Dickens on Main was created by the downtown merchants.
It grew so big, that the city has to manage the event.
Dickens on Main tips:
- Wear your walking shoes. You might need to park quite a way from all the entertainment.
- The event is FREE!
- It’s like Fiesta with lots of crowds. So, keep your kids close.
- Some food booths get really long lines.
- We cap how many people come into our store so that it doesn’t get too crowded. So, there may be a line to get into our store. It does move quickly.
- It’s usually too crowded to bring a stroller into the store, but we are happy to keep an eye on it, parked at the front door.
- We now have two registers for this event, but our new one can’t print receipts yet.
- I think Friday is the better day to attend because the lighting of the tree happens that day (with Christmas carols!!!)
- We have a snow machine right in front of our store!

This is the perfect weekend to attend, if you are a local!
The main happenings are on Saturday, when we have our lit Christmas parade, which was created by the downtown merchants.
This event, also, grew beyond our ability to manage and is now coordinated by the City Parks & Recreation Department.
Weihnachts Parade Tips:
- Drop everyone off downtown before the parade starts at 6, and then find a parking space.
- Some years, people are stacked from the curb to the buildings. Be prepared for crowds.
- If you are a local, you will probably recognize people in the parade!
- Get some groovy glasses from our store to make the parade lights even more spectacular.
- The parade is expected to last about 2 hours, with over 100 floats!
- Main Street closes early to automobile traffic. So, don’t leave your car parked on Main Street after about 3 o’clock.
- The street remains closed for about an hour after the parade ends so that everyone can shop a little and easily get back to their cars.
- Most of the stores will stay open until about when the streets open to drivers.
- While everyone watches the parade, the elves take a break to eat dinner and restock and clean the store, but it’s a really good time to shop because it’s so quiet in the store.
Little known fact: "Weihnacht" is pronounced with a "V" sound at the beginning. It's the German word for "Christmas."

It’s our fourth year for the Boerne Retailers & Restaurant Owners Association to host this merry mistletoe weekend – the second weekend in December.
Out of all four weekends, this one is the most subdued. So, it’s perfect for those of you who want to experience that small town Christmas feeling without all the crowds. It makes a great date night.
- Be sure to visit the website to see which businesses will be open late, until 8pm, serving Christmas beverages. We’ll be serving our famous wassail!
- Sign up for the Caroling Contest! Carolers can stroll Main Street to raise money for their favorite charities. We are the coordinating contest. So, reach out with questions or to sign up.
- SANTA!!! Father Christmas will be at The Christmas Shoppe that Saturday for photos.
- The streets are not closed this weekend.

Kinder Fest is the last weekend before Christmas!
The children are all on Christmas break. So, this weekend is entirely about fun kid-friendly activities.
A big thank you to the Boerne Retail & Restaurant Owners Association for hosting this event!
Your Holiday Guide for Kinder Fest:
- Cookie Crawl tickets sold out in minutes, but the Santa Scavenger Hunt is fun and free for kids to do. Drop by 248 N. Main Chateau or The Christmas Shoppe to pick up your passport to play.
- SANTA!!! Father Christmas will be here at The Christmas Shoppe 1-5 the whole weekend for photos.
- Because the children need to be nestled all snug in their beds, none of the stores are planning to stay open late.
- Streets do not close this weekend either.
I hope my holiday guide helps you to “Celebrate Always” this holiday season. (I Thessalonians 5:16)
Merry Christmas,

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