The Christmas Shoppe

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S’more Good

Everyone knows it’s better to be on the nice list than on the naughty list! The best sure fire way to get on the nice list is by doing good. When we work at doing good, peoples’ dreams can really work. So, I am here to share some awesome ways you can do s’more good, you do-gooder you.

Support Others

I bet you are wondering about the top photo. What does piles of boxes do with supporting others? Well, I’ve been helping out with all the unpacking of new inventory that’s been coming in. That’s my way of supporting The Christmas Shoppe.
Another way to support people is by baking something yummy for them… Mrs. C. and I whipped up some yummy cookies to share with family this weekend. She gave me a boost so I could try some cookie dough. Tee hee! I guess, you could say she is doing s’more good by supporting ME!

[button type=”btn_border” url=”” target=”” button_color_fon=”#007a08″ ]poor man’s cookies[/button]

In the next couple weeks, we have several holidays that are all about encouraging others, whether that’s the US post office, local businesses, local laborers, fighting cancer, or just some friends you know. Read more, here.

[button type=”btn_border” url=”” target=”” button_color_fon=”#007a08″ ]upcoming holidays[/button]

Bee kind

Speaking of holidays, the month of September is National Honey Month. We are celebrating by decorating one of our front windows with honey and bees, but we are hoping it reminds everyone to “bee kind”. It’s a stressful time for lots of people. Your kindness makes a big impact!
So, forgive others. Let other’s go first. Help out. Bee giving. Stay calm and gentle. Pay attention to those around you. And, of course, use kind words.
Remember Proverbs 16:24 – “Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul.”
All the adults know that there’s a lot of controversy about wearing masks right now, but honestly, wearing a mask is a way to show kindness. Sure some people don’t think it’s necessary, but we can’t know that when we meet someone new. Sure the people with the most health risk are trying to stay home, but sometimes they can’t. Wearing a mask is an easy way to show we care about the health and safety of those around us.

Find a cause and support it!

Good causes are like potato chips. It’s hard to stop at one. Here are some we are passionate about at The Christmas Shoppe:

  • Taking care of our planet! We do our part to save the bees, save the whales, and save the planet in our store by following the good ole Three Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle). You may have noticed our recycle bin at our front register. We, also, try our best to reuse as much packing material as possible.
  • San Antonio Cancer Council! The Cure Cancer Card is going on sale soon. We are just one of the many businesses in the San Antonio area participating in this worthy program. Buy a card, your money goes toward cancer research, and then, use the card at participating shops (like ours) for a discount at the end of October.
  • The Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center! Their e-gala is just around the corner, on September 22nd. We are still trying to hash out the details, but we will probably be donating a portion of our sales on specific dates to benefit this worthy ministry. Check out their Facebook Event page for all the details. We, also, participate in their Baby Bottle Boomerang. Just drop your spare change in the baby bottle at our register to help support them.
  • Roy Maas Youth Alternatives! Mrs. C. used to work and volunteer there, but now she is happy to donate items for their silent auction. You can help restore hope to abused and neglected children by attending their Boots & Bling Fundraiser Thing at the Dog & Pony on September 29th. For more information, email Bonnie Clayton.

Hope these ideas help you get excited to do s’more good, and to “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16).
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