2021 Twitterpated Tree

We’re counting down to Christmas 2022, and we are looking back to our Twitterpated Tree from last year! Get it? Twitter-pated! We combined our always popular cardinals and birds with all things love-y dove-y and hearts. To truly make this a showstopper, we swerved away from the all-natural and used a silver tinsel tree as […]
2021 Gnome Cabin Tree

Here’s a look back to last year’s Gnome Cabin tree. Don’t worry. More gnomes are arriving daily for the new trees of the year! This tree was so much fun with its combination of snow, buffalo plaid, toasted marshmallows, and gnome ornaments. We hope it made you feel all cozy.
S’more to Decorate

S’more to Decorate! Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! I have a BIG announcement. We have finally got s’more to decorate in the store! Yup, due to delays in shipments, we have been delayed in decorating, BUTT we are finally getting to it! Are you ready for a whirlwind tour of our four new trees?!?! […]
S'more or Less Trendy

Hello, Fellow Christmas Lovers! Get excited about the 2021 Christmas trends! I’m a pretty old fashioned elf. In fact, everything Christmas tends to be old fashioned. So, let’s say these looks are only s’more or less trendy. Get it? “S’more or less trendy.” Hyuck, hyuck. You see, most decorations that are well loved end up […]