S’more Travels
It’s summer!!! I’m ready for a big summer vacay!!! How about you? Are you ready for s’more travels?
Gosh, I’ve been working so hard lately, but usually, I get to have a lot of stacation and vacation fun. So, to get a little bit of trip-inspiration, I looked through a bunch of snap shots from past travels.
Mrs. C. thinks it’s a great idea for your elf on the shelf to go on vacation this summer. He (or she) can send you postcards or snapshots of him (or her) during the trip. It’s a great way to stay in touch with your elf throughout the year.
Local flavor!
If you read my blobbing at all, you know I LOVE to stay-cay! Boerne is the best town in the world. So, I do s’more travels around the Texas Hill Country than ANYWHERE!
Here’s that one time Mrs. C. made me take photos in the bluebonnets. Apparently it’s *tradition*…. (insert eye roll emoji) Of course, the bluebonnets are no longer in bloom, but I am sure Mrs. C. will find other nature photos to take with me.
Maybe it’s time for another excursion down Main Street. That’s always fun! Starting with coffee is always wise. Yes, wise!
I’ve got my favorite shopping spots. I especially like the stores that have lots of GLITTER.
No matter where I travel, I’ve got to look for a souvenir. Some people collect t-shirts. Some people collect shot glasses. Maybe you collect refrigerator magnets. I collect hats…. which I never remember to wear.
Anywhere is a good place for a hammock, but I stink at hammocking. It’s so stressful to stay balanced. I hope you like a good hammock. You can have mine.
The sea!
Every so often, the Claus family take me on an adventure to the Beach!
There are so many beaches to see. I really like the Florida panhandle area, but Texas has some pretty beaches, too.
Mrs. C. really likes taking pictures of me in nature while we travel, and this one with the sunset is my favorite.
Adventures around the world!
Florida isn’t the only state I’ve visited. There’s s’more travels for this elf!
Who likes a good road trip? I sure do! Sadly, they NEVER let me drive. Something about not being able to see over the dashboard and reach the gas pedal. Pshhh! Whatever.
We’ve, also, gone on some plane rides. Of course, I can fly any time, but the Clauses need magic reindeer and we like to travel together. So, we fly away!
Where are we going?
Hey, it’s that trip to the BIG EASY! The best part of visiting New Orleans isn’t the culture, the music, the parties, or the art. Those are great, but NO! The best part is the FOOOOOOOD!!!
Oh, look! I don’t normally leave the states, but check it out! Almost forgot about that one trip I made to Germany. I can even remember a bit of the lingo. “Guten tag!”
I hope in your travels, you don’t forget to rest. After all that’s the reason for the vacation.
Vacations are definitely worth a “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16). And, stay tuned for my next blob! I’ve got a special invitation for you to my BIRTHDAY PARTY!
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