Hello, Fellow SUMMER Lovers!
Why did The Sun go to school? …to get brighter!
I have been to Elf School & even honorary classes at Hogwarts but nothing compares to the congrats that students of all ages deserve for succeeding despite the challenges of 2020. (& A BIG APPLAUSE to the parents and teachers!)
CONGRATS – Local Boerne Graduates!

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to give a graduate. Something to encourage, something to inspire… something they’ll like. The Christmas Shoppe has a few graduate gifts and cards to choose from (not just the ornament pictured.)
Sometimes the best gifts are the ones that communicate a sentiment or a memory. These graduates are truly entering adulthood. So, a Bible would be great to prepare them for the future, but a framed picture would be great to help them hold onto the past. No matter where your graduate is headed, we are happy to help you celebrate.
Dated – Personalizable – Musical Instrument Ornaments are all a great choice for grad gifts.
Willow Tree & Gift Certificates are great gifts for parents & teachers.
Boerne ISD Graduation Hub has more information on viewing the ceremonies remote.
This summer, let’s take a moment to unwind
Remember to “SQUEEZE THE DAY”
The past few months have been a whirlwind, among many other things. ORANGE you glad that the world is able to start PEELING a little better? Now we encourage everyone to take things slow, and of course, take venturing into the world at a pace that feels comfortable to YOU! We CHERRY-ish your business, and that’s why we have a PEAR-fect balance of in-store and contactless shopping options! So GRAPE-ful for you! Tee-hee! 😉
In all seriousness, we have been going down a digital road lately. Indeed we are all thankful that we are able to utilize our devices. I still want to encourage everyone to disconnect from the screens a bit. Designate a place, like an empty bowl, to put phones in for an hour or so while you try these [old-fashioned] activities outside and enjoy a bit of sunshine. (I think I’m showing my age, LOL!)
- Sidewalk Chalk: You wont need to wait for Santa to bring it, find chalk at basically every store or have it shipped to your home.
- Water Balloons: Just pick em up after the fun – another 20 mins of entertaining the kiddos – ha!
- Reading a book: Nothing like reading a loud as a family, or enjoying some quiet time to yourself. – Bonus points for acting out a story like a play!
Hope these ideas help you to “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16).
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