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S’more Delightful: How to fix burnt out lights on your tree!

S’more the Elf here and feeling s’more delightful than EVER. That’s because I am excited to show you how to fix burnt out lights on your Christmas tree!

Elf Trivia Side Note: Do you know when we put up Christmas lights at the North Pole??? EVERY. DAY.

When is the best time to relight your tree?

Mrs. C. says the best time is right AFTER Christmas. I mean… if you are one of those super organized and do-it-yourself type people, you probably have plenty of time to do it when you start decorating before Christmas.

However, if you don’t have a lot of time or get to the point that you are stuck and need help….. (like me) just throw a strand over the burnt out lights real quick to keep you looking nice until after Christmas.

Then, when you take down your decorations, you can start trying to fix your lights and have plenty of time to mess with it.

Let’s begin, shall we?

First I’m gonna get some wire cutters….

Add a little voltage…

Tap this button…


Uh… Maybe I should try just relighting. Put a few over here… Under there… Loopty loop! Aaaannndd… VOILA!

I think I need help.

Mrs. C. takes over

Okay. Time to bring in the big guns! Mrs. C. has been fixing lights on Christmas trees and garlands for nearly 18 years now.

She has it down to a science – an ART FORM even! Hit it, Ma!

However, we had a lot of technical difficulties creating our how to video and uploading it to YouTube. We just decided to make it a two part-er.

Part One: How to find and replace burnt out light bulbs.

Part Two: How to delight and relight your tree.

There’s no shame in asking for help

Depending on the size of the tree and how many lights are out, it can take a lot of time and effort to fix a Christmas tree.

If you don’t love your tree much, you may want to order a brand new one! We are happy to order you a brand new tree, but availability is limited the closer we get to Christmas. January through end of March is the best time. Once school starts it becomes kinda difficult. And, starting around mid-October it’s pretty much impossible. This year is even more difficult.

If you love your tree, you can bring it to us to relight. You can even bring us your preferred lights or buy lights from us. Each tree uses about 100 lights per foot depending on how fat it is.

If you bring your lights, it will cost $40 per hour to delight and relight. It can take about 1-2 hours per foot of tree, depending on how fat your tree is. The three foot tree in our video took about 3 hours.

Lights cost extra. We will charge you the exact cost of the light strand, which can vary depending on the style. I recommend LED because then you won’t have to change them again so soon.

And, look at that! You’ve got a beautiful lit tree again!

Love it? Love us?

Well, here’s how you can show us! Explore Magazine is having a best of the best contest. We would love-love-love-love-love it if you took a moment to vote for us as the Best Gift Shop!

This year is our 25th anniversary year. So, it would be extra special to win this year.

Here’s the link:

The most important thing I want you to remember is that it doesn’t matter how many lights or ornaments are on your tree. It doesn’t matter how many presents are around your tree. What matters is how much love there is around your tree. For a story on that, read here:


Merry everything and “celebrate always.” (I Thessalonians 5:16)



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