Celebrate Summer, S’more!
Hello, all my Christmas loving friends! It’s summer!!! And, you know what that means? There’s S’MORE TO CELEBRATE!
Here’s some really cool ideas to celebrate with me this summer.
My Birthday is this Month!
Both Mrs. C. and I are June babies. So, the summer makes us think of birthdays! We like to celebrate BIG this month, and you are invited!

I hope you can come say hi that Saturday. I will have birthday party gifts, cupcakes, and a special discount just for you! Plus, we have cookieeeez and cold beverages every Saturday to help you “live everyday like it’s your birthday.”
Park Hopping

There are so many fun things to see and do at our local Boerne parks. My favorites are the Abendkonzerte and Movies in the Park! I, also, love visiting the Cibolo Nature Center, Boerne Lake, or Guadalupe River State Park to splash around and picnic.
You can find all the fun park events here: Community Events | Boerne, TX – Official Website
Cave Exploring

There are several awesome caves and caverns in the Texas Hill Country, and two here in Boerne. Nothing beats the heat like touring a cave, where the temperatures stay nice and cool all year round. As you can see in the photo, they sometimes have concerts, too.
Shopping and Eating
It’s my favorite thing to do! And now that school is out for the summer, I can go ANY TIME. Here are my favorite places (in no particular order) to eat with that fabulous summer vibe:
- Blithe Creamery – Artisanal ice cream for the Texas Hill Country
- Blacksmith Grill
- Spanish Tapas | Botero tapas + wine bar (botero161.com)
- Salty & Sweet
- Hamby’s
- kelani yogürt (kelaniyogurt.com)
- Cypress Grille – Boerne, TX – (830) 248-1353 (cypressgrilletx.com)
- The Stand | Boerne, TX – Official Website
My favorite places to shop have a VERY particular order.
- THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPE!!! (of course)
- La Te Da Boerne
- Handmade on Main (handmadeonmainboerne.com)
- Homepage | The Boerne Bookshop
- Texas Gourmet Pantry Home
- Shoppes at 222 | Boerne, TX – Official Website
S’more Updates!
We’ve been so busy checking in lots of new stuff. So, we haven’t had time to post much on social media. However, here are some cool things you may have missed:

Elves are drowning in shipments this weekend! We’ve spent two whole days checking in Old World Christmas, and we’re not finished yet.
Plus, fresh arrivals of stuffed animals are flocking in.
And then, there’s about 17 boxes from Midwest and Ganz that are next.

Old World Christmas – The Christmas Shoppe – The Christmas Shoppe (thechristmasshoppetx.com)
Verse of the Day: Easy Version
We could all use this reminder once in a while – nothing can stop God from loving us.

Including the cutest aquatic species EVER – axolotl. Ours are chubby potatoes because that’s even better, really.
Come grab yours quick because these happy little dudes sell out quick.
Best. Thing. Ever!
I mean, come on! Look at that mustache! He’s holding a chihuahua! You need this. Someone needs this.
Go buy one: Mucho Gusto – The Christmas Shoppe (thechristmasshoppetx.com)

Isn’t this the cutest Krampus EVER?
What do you think? Yay or Nay?
I think he’s adorable, but my family thinks he’s terrifying. He’s a Byer’s Choice caroler, and I was putting my order in a few days ago. Had to share!
One small step for the elf on the shelf, one giant leap for Christmas kind! Next stop, THE FINAL FRONTIER!!!
After all, we elves gotta get ready for those big eclipses heading our way.
Check out all of S’more’s videos on our YouTube channel and follow S’more Elf for elf exclusive entertainment.

Just throwing this out there because…
A. I am curious
B. My mom’s comment below is hilarious!
Looking for a way to add glitter to the holiday without having to vacuum it out of your carpet???
We have just the thing! Our “shimmers” keep all that glorious glitter contained.
We call them “shimmers” because they don’t have a standard name across all our vendors. They are technically lit, glitter filled snow globes with a fan.
They haven’t really been around very long in the grand scheme of Christmas things, but they are already improving.
Original shimmers took batteries, which died quickly, were forgotten in storage, and corroded – destroying the mechanisms inside.
Now, almost all of the shimmers come with battery or USB cord capabilities!
Best news ever: We just got another shipment! Come by and check them out!

Hello… Is it me you’re looking for?
What are you looking for?
Elf tip: if you’re looking for adorable… you find meeeeee!
This is the kind of fundraiser I like! A good cause AND good food!

If you don’t like glitter…
You’re wrong! Just kidding!
But you may have wandered into the wrong store.
P.S. My hubby thinks it’s magical when I come home from work covered in glitter Strange men mistake me for an exotic dancer at the grocery store, though.
I mean, c’mon! Am I right?
These towels and more available in store now! Come on over and grab the perfect one for friends, family, and yourself.

Hey! Did you see this?
Our sale corner is AH-MAZING! With amazing discounts. Everything is 40% off, but if you buy anything regular price, you can get 50% off in the sale corner.
We hope you can visit us this weekend to “Celebrate [summer] Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16)!
Merry Christmas,

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