The Christmas Shoppe

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Mulled Cider Punch!

Hello, to all my “Celebrate Always” friends! I hope you had the chance to come in and celebrate S’more’s birthday at the end of June. The number one request at the party was for the Mulled Cider Punch recipe. All of the food was delicious, but the punch was a surprise favorite.

We’ve recently decided to carry our mulling spice all year long. It’s exclusive to our shop and delicious in just about anything – cider (of course), pie, sweet breads, cookies…

What makes it so special is the bits of orange peel that you can see in your cider.

Most people only think of mulled spices in hot cider, and that is definitely the most common use for our cider mix. Just bring a gallon of apple juice or cider to a simmer and dissolve our spice mix into it. Done. Easy.

Obviously, it’s the middle of summer in Texas, and no one wants to drink samples of hot cider. So, we found this recipe to make a cold, refreshing cider punch and adapted it to use our mulling spice.

I really had no idea what to expect, but it turned out delicious, crisp, and refreshing. It doesn’t look pretty, though. You are forewarned.

Now, let’s start cooking!

Mulled Cider Punch

Recipe courtesy: DIY Showoff
Prep time: 8 1/2 hours (including chill time)
Cook time: 15-30 minutes


  • 1/2-gallon apple juice
  • 1 package mulling spice mix
  • 2 cups orange juice
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 750 ml sparkling white grape juice


  • Simmer apple juice and stir in spice to dissolve.
  • Chill mulled cider and all other ingredients overnight.
  • Stir all ingredients together and serve chilled and/or on ice.

Take a sip! It’s delicious! I hope you like this recipe.

If you like this recipe, you should check out this cool and refreshing dip recipe that Mrs. C invented.

Cucumber Sandwich Spread – The Christmas Shoppe (

For all of our recipes, just check out our Pinterest board or the Recipes on our website.

Thank you for reading. We hope this is just one more way to help you “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16)

Mrs. C.