S’more Work!
Hello, fellow Christmas lovers!
This is S’more the Elf, and working hard is FUN!
You say, “What?!?” Yes, working hard is fun! We elves LOVE to work! Nothing makes us happier than spreading Christmas cheer, and if that requires burning the midnight oil to make a year round Christmas experience like no other, we are ready and willing!
Of course, not everyone’s job involves year round holiday merriment. However, if you find something you love, something you care about, something that makes the world a better place, then your job isn’t a chore. It’s no longer feels like work. It may feel challenging. It may make you tired and sweaty, but it will always be fulfilling.
So, what are we working on?…
Well, we just got some more shipments! Hanna’s Handiworks and Demdaco are now checked in! They make beautiful and whimsical holiday and everyday decorations and gifts. We, also, got a fresh shipment of Allen Designs Clocks! You know you love them, but did you we will happily special order any clock they make just for you? We will!
What else are we working on? Well, we are plumpin’ up our online store. Adding a bunch of Old World Christmas Company’s handmade blown glass ornaments. If you have any questions about an item (a specific ornament you are looking for or shipping questions or questions about sizes), just call us during regular hours. We can always take orders over the phone.
We are ALSO starting to redecorate! Halloween is moving up front and center, and NEW TREES are just around the corner!!!
We love working hard to make your holidays a true celebration! What do you like to work on? What makes you feel accomplished? Like the world is a better place because of you? Because it is. Better. Because of you. We love that about you!
Have a great week!
~S’more the Elf
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