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S’more Trick or Treat Safety

We all know the usual trick or treat safety tricks, but S’more the elf on the shelf is here to treat you to s’more tricks for a COVID safe Halloween.

Normal Halloween Safety

You are so smart, you probably already know the usual ways to be safe, but let’s go over these tips… just in case.

  • Try to glow in the dark! Not only is it super cool, but it could SAVE YOUR LIFE. A bit dramatic? Well, it’s dark out there, and you want people in cars and your family and friends to see you easily.
    • There’s lots of ways to do this: glow sticks on your costume or in your candy bucket, glow paint on your face or costume, reflective patches on your costume or candy bucket. It’s easy.
  • Stay with your group! Do you have your exit buddy? Trick or treating is much more fun with your family or your friends. Remember the scary movie rules: don’t go anywhere by yourself.
  • Look both ways before crossing the street. You should do this all the time, but especially when it is dark out. On Halloween, drivers can be distracted by their own costumes, trying to find friends, or all the cool decorations everywhere.
  • Don’t eat your candy until your parents can check it.
    • Chances are your candy is fine, but if you try eating candy while walking around in the dark, you might choke on one of those stupid plastic spider rings that no one really likes anyway.
    • Also, this year your parents may want to sanitize everything.
    • Plus, if you have an allergy, your parents may recognize something that could give you a reaction.


New Ways to be Safe

Now that the basics are covered, let’s talk about some new safety stuff. You see, this year there is more than clowns, monsters, and serial killers to fear. There is DUN-DUN-DUNNN… coronavirus! (gasp!)
So, here’s how trick or treaters can avoid evil germy buggies:

  1. Stay with your group! You’ve already been exposed to their germs. So, they are okay. Strangers could be sick without knowing it. So, stay away from them… like the plague! Or, you could be sick without knowing and make them sick.
  2. If you are sick, stay home. Pretty obvious. Maybe you can have a cool movie night and your parents can get your very favorite candy to snack on instead (Yay! No Mike & Ike this year!)
  3. Trick or treat at houses that have fun ways to pass out the candy from a distance. Maybe they are using skeleton hand tongs to put candy in your bucket. Maybe they are shooting it at you with a potato gun! They could be sliding the candy down a slide into your bucket. Orrrr….. they could create a zipline like this family did!
    [button type=”btn_border” url=”″ target=”on” button_color_fon=”#0d8900″ ]Watch the Video[/button]
  4. Consider Trunk or Treating. Maximum candy, minimal effort, fewer germs. Boerne businesses are partnering with Dog & Pony restaurant this year to offer some Trunk or Treating on Halloween from 5-7, followed by a movie. Because local businesses are participating, they will be ensuring that the treats are as safe as the inside of their businesses.
    [button type=”btn_border” url=”” target=”on” button_color_fon=”#0d8900″ ]More Details[/button]
  5. Wear a mask as part of your costume! More on that next.

Costumes with Masks!

It’s totally normal to wear a mask as part of a Halloween costume, but those funny plastic ones with holes to breathe through aren’t going to stop the ‘Rona. So, if you do get a costume mask, you should wear a PPE mask underneath. I think the disposable ones and the sewn fabric ones that stand away from my mouth make it easier to breath, especially if there is a plastic mask over the top.
On the other hand, there are lots of ideas where a coronavirus blocking mask can be a part of your costume. Here are my favorite ideas for Halloween masks this year!

  • Not all superheroes wear capes. This year, you could be a doctor or nurse and wear your PPE proudly.

  • Shop online for a cool costume mask. I really like this Winifred mask I found somewhere online. (Just google it if you want to order one.) Now you don’t need to wear face paint, which can be so hard to get right and then it smears all over and makes a mess… Such a hassle!
    • I found masks that look like black cats, sugar skulls, The Hulk, and Jack Skellington. If you want to be Santa for Halloween, we should get a Santa beard mask in soon at The Christmas Shoppe.

  • Be a ninja! Honestly, those “gator” masks apparently don’t work as well as other masks, but there are tons of black masks that would look good with a ninja costume. Along the same idea, you could be a hunter and wear a camouflage mask, too.

  • Draw facial hair or a silly face on a mask for a less expensive costume. I think this pirate is super cool.

  • My favorite idea is to be an old west bank robber! You can probably make this costume from stuff you have around the house or stuff from the dollar tree. A bandana tied around your face makes the perfect mask.

I hope this helped you learn s’more about making Halloween safety fun, and to “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16).
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