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S’more Summer Vacation Ideas

It’s hard to “be still” when you are small, like I am. But, I have some summer vacation ideas for you that are all about being still.
This summer is little odd. Your family may not be traveling as much, or you may be doing more quiet vacation-y things. Fewer hotels, more cabin rentals and stay-cations. Fewer theme parks, more state parks. Yes, the words that best describe this summer vacation are definitely “still”, “stay”, “quiet”, “rest”, and “relaxation.”
Hey! “Rest and relaxation”! “R&R”! Yup that is an excellent way to enjoy your summer vacation.

So, what can you do to inject a little more R&R into your life?
Summer Vacation Ideas:

  1. Try switching up your home decor a little. I mean, even if you don’t go to the beach, you can bring the beach to you. The blues and greens and sand and surf are definitely relaxing. It just so happens, Mrs. C. has finished up her Beach Corner of the shop with lots of things to give your home a beach-y vibe or commemorate any trips.
  2. Get some sun! Yup, a good ol’ hammock in the backyard or a stroll in the evening will give you lots of peace and quiet.
  3. Play in the water! You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy this. Water is calming (unless you are one of those kids that starts screaming for fun – I never understood that). Some places are closed right now, and some rivers and beaches and lakes are overrun with people. But, the best spots are the quiet ones. If you can’t find one, the sprinklers are fun!
  4. Take a nap! This may be the very definition of summer relaxation, an afternoon nap. If the kids don’t want to do a nap, try doing #3 first or #5 instead.
  5. Read a book! I love to curl up with a good story. Speaking of stories and the summer sea, I have a story to tell you!

The Legend of the Anchor

$14.99 in our online store

Working at The Christmas Shoppe, I have learned lots of stories about the ornaments we sell. The legend of the anchor is one I had never heard of before.
So, gather around, kiddos! S’more has a tale to tell.
The anchor has been around for a very long time, and people have noticed lots of symbols related to it. Because anchors hold ships still in stormy weather, they are a sign of strength.
It, also, looks like a cross! A great reminder of Who calms the storms in our life.
Anchors used to make people think of safety, too. So, they would hand outside of safe houses for people seeking refuge from persecution, too.

Pretty cool, right? A couple years ago, we shared the Legend of the Sand Dollar, too. Want to read about it? Click HERE or read the picture at the bottom of the page.
Hope these ideas help you celebrate the summer and “Celebrate Always” (I Thessalonians 5:16).
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