We are the Dreamers of Dreams… …
We are the Dreamers of Dreams…
We hope you are, too. And, we hope you are making your dreams happen. That’s what our store is all about, making dreams come true because a little dream, a little love, and a little effort are all it takes to make this world a little more magical and a little more joyful.
~Sunday Inspiration from our Elf on the Shelf!
>>>>This week: Every child who can tell us where this quote comes from will get a free piece of candy! 🍭 🍬 🍭
Silly Saturdays with Santa
Silly Saturdays with Santa! 🎅🏼
Who has a birthday, today? That serenity prayer may come in handy when you see all the candles on your cake. 😉
Speaking of birthdays, did you know you can sign up to receive a special emailed coupon for your birthday?!? Just email us at Christmas.elves@gvtc.com with the month of your birthday and your name, and we will send you your gift!
It’s National Chocolate Chip
It’s National Chocolate Chip!
Hope you have a fabulous chocolate-filled day!
Looking for a chippy recipe? We got that!
Just follow us on Pinterest for our favorite, most yummy treats from the kitchen.
Dear Mom, …
Dear Mom,
I fly every night from The Shoppe to the North Pole.
You’re always with me, you make my heart whole.
Dear Mom, I love you, and I miss you too!
I’ve made sure to pick out a gift just for you.
Something to let you know that I care,
That it’s true when I say, I take your love everywhere.
Mom, you are special. You are very dear. And even though Christmas may not be near,
The Shoppe is the place, for a special gift to light up your beautiful face!
S'more Moms – 2 Mary, mother of Jesus
S’more Moms – 2 Mary, mother of Jesus
S'more Moms – 1Santa has a mom too
S’more Moms – 1
Santa has a mom too! 💖
Here's a fun tradition… …
Here’s a fun tradition…
You only think it’s an April Fools joke.
Why do you think this tradition was created?
Happy Pi Day
Happy Pi Day!
Be on the lookout for specials on all your favorite pies in town!
S'more COFFEE Spring Break
Hello Fellow [Coffee] Christmas Lovers! Good morning friends! Boerne and beyond! Life at the North Pole has this elf loving a nice warm cup o’ cider, cocoa, tea, mulled wine 😉, you name it! But at the very top of that list is, you guessed it! COFFEE! I love it sooo much I could swim […]
Happy Saint Valentine's Day from all the Elves …
Happy Saint Valentine’s Day from all the Elves here at The Christmas Shoppe!
Everyone’s favorite Elf, S’more, has a TON of good reading for you today!
More meaning of the holiday, fun facts and this day in history.
Head on over to the blog for some fun and head on over to The Shoppe for any last minute gifts or extras for your Valentine!