The Christmas Shoppe

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Mr and Mrs Mistletoe by Christopher Radko

Mr. & Mrs. Mistletoe by Christopher Radko is now here! (Along with a plethora of other fabulous pieces. Christopher Radko ornaments are some of the most beautiful ornaments in the world. They are Polish handmade blown glass, but by comparison to similarly made ornaments, they are much larger, brighter, and more detailed. For more information about this piece and the company that makes it, check our website within the next week.
*featured product

What a great idea

What a great idea! Birthday party scavenger hunts! Send party-goers in teams along the Hill Country Mile following clues for fabulous prizes. Ask for tips on arranging one at The Christmas Shoppe. <];)

New Christopher Radko ornaments!

Carmen the Elf, aka Little C, has been working hard checking in our massive shipment of Christopher Radko ornaments! We will regularly feature various pieces on our website throughout the year.